Common models: LMG21.../LMG22...
Product Description:
LMG...gas burner controller
Small (less than 350KW) burners with single-stage or double-stage gas or gas/oil intermittent operation based on microprocessor control.
With remote reset, low voltage monitoring, air pressure detection, fault code indication and other control functions
Technical parameters - Siemens LMG21/22 series gas burner controller
Product model tw(S)t1(S)TSA max.(S)t3(S)t3n(S)t4(S)LMG21.230A272.5203228LMG21.230B272.5203228LMG21.330A272.5303228LMG21.330B272.5303228L MG22.230A272.5203328LMG22. 230B272.5203328LMG22.330A272.5303328LMG22.330B272.5303328LMG25.230A272.5203228LMG25.230B272.5203228LMG25.330A272.5303228L MG25.330B272.5303228
tw: waiting time
t1: pre-purge time
TSA: ignition safety time
t3: pre-ignition time
t3n: long ignition time
t4: Interval time between solenoid valve 1 and solenoid valve 2
Product Description
LMG series controllers are suitable for small or medium power two-stage or modulating burners, intermittent operation, air pressure control, damper adjustment or operation